About Me

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My House, TN, United States
My name is Jami Billings Jones. I grew up in Collierville. I married my best friend Russell Jones. He is my whole world. We have been together 8 years, and married 6 1/2 yrs. I have three beautiful children Cayden 5, Madelyn 4, and Jaxson 6 months old! I have a wonderful family and some of the best friends. We have lived in Oakland for 6 years! My husband has a great job with Stanley, and I am currently a stay at home mom while I am in Nursing School. I love God, he is center in my life and marriage! I couldn't ask for more, I truly am blessed!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I'm loving today <3

1.)First off let me just say I'm smiling ear to ear and I'm one proud mom. Cayden brought his report card home, hello Honor Roll ;) Cayden takes school really seriously, more than he should at times but that makes me smile even more. I pray he stays on the good path of wanting to do well in school!

2.) Our real-estate agent will be here Saturday at 11. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. We really are looking forward to the next step in life.

3.) Jaxson will be three months old in ten days, oh my goodness. Where is the time going. That means teething is right around the corner. But until the teeth get here I will love seeing those gummy smiles daily!

4.) I paid for Madelyn's surgery the other day, so now it has really hit home she is having surgery. I'm sad and happy all at the same time for her. I praying for everything to go right, and for no major problems in the future. I'm also thankful that we were able to save for her surgery, its rather expensive. But before her surgery, she must have her 4th birthday to celebrate being a miracle baby!

5.) I'm thankful for my best friend Tricia. We are both in college. I work a 12 hour day Monday through Friday out of my home. Well, with a new baby I don't want to go to school at night. So, I will go during the day for a few hours Tuesday and Thursday, and still have a job. This is a blessing so much. This also allows me to be at home when my son is getting off the bus and home with my family at night ;) I'm so thankful she is willing to help me and my family! God has truly put some of the best people in my life.

6.) We have gotten the papers for our passport ;) we are so excited. Our friends asked us to go on a trip with them. As much as we were looking forward to a trip with just us two, were still excited to be going with some great friends ;) They have been to our destination a few times and we haven't so they know what to and not to do. Snorkeling and ziplinning make me excited ;)

7.) Last night we went out with some friends to watch the Hogs play. However we aren't Hog fans, but we were pulling for them to win because they are a SEC team in a bowl game! Yep, they lost and it wasn't pretty. Glad I made Scottie some jerky, maybe that will help! Speaking of Scottie even though he isn't a blood uncle you would never know. Our kids totally love him. Thursday night we went out and he stayed here. Friday he spent most of the day just hanging out and playing with the kids! We think he is a awesome person don't y'all ;)

8.) So for Christmas I bought my mom that info commercial brownie pan, well I had to by myself one! I super duper love it!

9.) I'm loving Oreo balls right now. They stay in my fridge, and of course I have to make enough for all the neighbors to! They may not be perfect looking but they are delish!

10.) What's not to love, I have a roof over my head, a job to provide for my family, food in my pantry, three beautiful children, a supporting family, amazing friends, a fantastic husband, and I serve a awesome God! I'm loving life right now and living it to the fullest!

Jami N. Jones
Let God shine through you =)

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