About Me

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My House, TN, United States
My name is Jami Billings Jones. I grew up in Collierville. I married my best friend Russell Jones. He is my whole world. We have been together 8 years, and married 6 1/2 yrs. I have three beautiful children Cayden 5, Madelyn 4, and Jaxson 6 months old! I have a wonderful family and some of the best friends. We have lived in Oakland for 6 years! My husband has a great job with Stanley, and I am currently a stay at home mom while I am in Nursing School. I love God, he is center in my life and marriage! I couldn't ask for more, I truly am blessed!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What I'm loving today!

I'm loving how great our kids Christmas party went yesterday. We had a blast eating food, making gingerbread houses, and opening gifts.

I'm loving this new chocolate recipe I made this year. Everyone that has received some just loves it.

I'm loving my break from school with the kids.

I'm loving how smart this 14 month old is. I'm still amazed at how completely different all three of my kids are.

YouTube Video

I'm loving that today the kids and I will be making bells.

I'm loving the Christmas gifts I have gotten some family member, can't wait to see their reactions.

I'm loving all the good food we will be eating over our three day weekend.

I'm loving that I get to love on my sweet nephew Sunday.

I'm loving all the simple things in my life. It's not about how much you have, or material things but what you have! I have awesome friends, family, a roof over my head, and food in my belly!

I'm thankful for the reason for this season! That you Jesus for being born!

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