About Me

My photo
My House, TN, United States
My name is Jami Billings Jones. I grew up in Collierville. I married my best friend Russell Jones. He is my whole world. We have been together 8 years, and married 6 1/2 yrs. I have three beautiful children Cayden 5, Madelyn 4, and Jaxson 6 months old! I have a wonderful family and some of the best friends. We have lived in Oakland for 6 years! My husband has a great job with Stanley, and I am currently a stay at home mom while I am in Nursing School. I love God, he is center in my life and marriage! I couldn't ask for more, I truly am blessed!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I'm loving Wednesday

Link up here
http://littledaisymay.blogspot.com and tell us what you love!

I'm loving my vacation!
This is the view from my bed!

Just plain peaceful!

I'm loving how I have worked hard to keep my little figure after three kids.

I'm loving my dad and step mom for taking constant videos of the kids so we can see and hear what they are doing!

I'm loving this drink!

Im loving this particular recipe I brought down here to try, and this is by far the best breakfast ever! Chocolate marshmallow biscuits!

I'm loving how I have learned to control my thoughts and actions when people do and say stupid things!

I'm loving that even though vacation will be ending soon, I will be home with my three babies! I miss my kiddos more than anything!

I'm loving that tball starts when I get back, school starts, and we have some busy weekends ahead! I have to do three girls hair for prom in a week, and I can't wait!

I'm loving that I'm going parasailing tomorrow!

Have a blessed week blogger friends!

Jami N. Jones
Let God shine through you =)

Location:Marthas Cove Ln,Gulf Breeze-Harold,United States


  1. That breakfast looks amazing! Looks like a fabulous vacation.

  2. I am so jealous of your vacation! I just had a baby and feel like I'll never be able to go again! I'm also way jealous of your post-baby(ies) body! You look fantastic! Have a great day girl! ~Andrea @ Life in Dawleywood

  3. Great things you are loving today! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. you look great! love the vacation photos

  5. Vacation is the best, it just goes by too fast!! :)


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