About Me

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My House, TN, United States
My name is Jami Billings Jones. I grew up in Collierville. I married my best friend Russell Jones. He is my whole world. We have been together 8 years, and married 6 1/2 yrs. I have three beautiful children Cayden 5, Madelyn 4, and Jaxson 6 months old! I have a wonderful family and some of the best friends. We have lived in Oakland for 6 years! My husband has a great job with Stanley, and I am currently a stay at home mom while I am in Nursing School. I love God, he is center in my life and marriage! I couldn't ask for more, I truly am blessed!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Relay for Life

My mom was the captain for the Relay for Life team at her work. They won best theme and won first place for raising the most money! How awesome is that! They raised over 9,000 dollars for the fight for cancer! Their theme was a igloos and penguins, Freeze out Cancer! Way to go Ring container for all your hard work in raising money to fight cancer! I'm super proud of all their hard work. The kids and I along with our neighbors went Saturday night to support the Relay for Life and even donated to some tents in raising money!

Jami N. Jones
Let God shine through you =)

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