About Me

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My House, TN, United States
My name is Jami Billings Jones. I grew up in Collierville. I married my best friend Russell Jones. He is my whole world. We have been together 8 years, and married 6 1/2 yrs. I have three beautiful children Cayden 5, Madelyn 4, and Jaxson 6 months old! I have a wonderful family and some of the best friends. We have lived in Oakland for 6 years! My husband has a great job with Stanley, and I am currently a stay at home mom while I am in Nursing School. I love God, he is center in my life and marriage! I couldn't ask for more, I truly am blessed!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What day is it????

What day is it??? I have been so busy with school and kiddos its almost hard to keep up.
  • Im thankful for all my school freinds, we all study together and look out for each other. It helps to have awesome people encouraging you as they are on the same career path.
  • I have a busy weekend ahead. Its filled with Maddies birthday party bowling and studying for my practicals next week at school.
  • I can't believe Maddie will be 4 next Thursday. Where does the time go?
  • Last weekend we went down to Sardis. While we were down there we road our fourwheeler and enjoyed the 68 degree weather. Well, it never fails someone has to get a boboo. Scottie got 9 stitches from his nose to lip. He hit a rut and busted his face on the speakers :(
  • My cousin is back in the hospital. Please pray! She has an infection from her surgery.
  • Maddies tutu, bows, and shirt are all complete for her party Saturday. All I have to do down is pick up her cake Friday night :)
  • We are completing our to do list this month, the house is going up for sale. THANK YOU JESUS! We are so excited to move and get our children in BETTER schools.
  • Jaxson is so vocal. HE is telling us about everything.
  • 11 weeks until we hit some pretty sand with good freinds.
  • We have really been enjoying life and smiling. We have so much to be thankful for.
Have a blessed week! I leave you with this! I have enjoyed saying it and singing it!

This little LIGHT of mine I'm gonna let it SHINE, let it SHINE, let it SHINE, LET IT SHINE :)

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